How To Stop Overthinking

New Leader Series Pt. 7

The new leader who tends to overthink things gets themselves stuck in a bit of a rut.

They end up getting stuck in their heads about big decisions that they need to make. They have paralysis of analysis.

Two things I recommend:


Talk with your team and your peers about what you are considering. Have conversations with the people involved and move on to part two:

2: Make a plan!

Once you have communicated with the necessary people, sit down and craft out a plan complete with timelines, deliverables and anything else that will keep you accountable to making a move.

You can do this! Don't let fear drive your bus!

Please drop me a comment below and let me know what you thought of this series. I would also love to hear your questions, so please don't be shy, I would love to hear from you!

All the love,

Jenny B