How To Deal With Everybody
New Leader Series Pt. 1
Being a new leader can be overwhelming.
There can be so many new things to pay attention to that you never had to even think about before. Sometimes it can feel as though everybody needs everything from you all at once.
Here is my best advice for you if this is how you are feeling: Understand that you do not need to be all things to all people.
People really just need to be heard.
They need to know that you are listening to what they have to say.
They need to know that what they are saying matters to you.
The best thing you can do as a new leader is become a great listener.
Once you hear what people have to say and are able to leave them with that feeling of validation, then you can step back and look at the big picture and see where their needs fit into the strategy moving forward. You have been able to diffuse the need to act immediately by validating the needs of your people.
You may not even be able to do something about what they need at all ever, but the pure act of really listening will give them the sense that they matter and that their needs matter.
I will give you a warning on this one as well: Please don't go blowing smoke up your teams ass here...don't pretend to hear them and give them some BS lip-service about what you are going to do for them without the intention of actually doing anything.
Listening and validating is not playacting. You must be authentic in your validation of their needs or this will backfire hard in your face! Learn and grow, here we go!
Please drop me a comment below and let me know what you thought of this series. I would also love to hear your questions, so please don't be shy, I would love to hear from you!
All the love, Jenny B